(Translated by Google)
This was my first visit and I was examined by Dr. Usui. I had to wait longer than my appointment time, but everyone, including the nurses and receptionists, was so nice, they gave me a thorough examination, explanations, and even mental health care, and by the time it was over, I had no idea how long I had waited. It did not become. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress of the treatment! He will thoroughly check the treatment, so you can perform the treatment to your satisfaction. Personally, I'm also happy to be able to receive ointments and oral medications at the clinic.
There was a wide range of people in the clinic, from small children to elderly people and men. I visited on a Saturday, so it might have been especially crowded, but I hope the day will come when the waiting room will be a little bigger. -
yii hys先生優しい! 電話受付してくれた女性の態度が悪い👎 上からの目線の話し方でびっくり 仕事したくないであれば辞めた方がいいじゃないですかね。 (Translated by Google) The teacher is kind! The woman who an...先生優しい!
(Translated by Google)
The teacher is kind!
The woman who answered the phone had a bad attitude👎
I was surprised by the way he spoke from above.
If you don't want to work, wouldn't it be better to quit? -
Emily Hこちらの女医さんは話をよく聞き適切な診断をしてくれます。とても丁寧に説明してくれて、他にわからないこともないか確認してくれます。クリニック自体もとても綺麗で、使用している医療機器なども清潔感にあふ...こちらの女医さんは話をよく聞き適切な診断をしてくれます。とても丁寧に説明してくれて、他にわからないこともないか確認してくれます。クリニック自体もとても綺麗で、使用している医療機器なども清潔感にあふれてました。他の看護師さん等スタッフさんも感じの良い方ばかりでした。初診の方にも胸を張っておすすめできます!
(Translated by Google)
This female doctor listens carefully and gives an appropriate diagnosis. He explains things very thoroughly and makes sure there's nothing else I don't understand. The clinic itself was very clean and the medical equipment used was very clean. The other nurses and other staff members were all very pleasant. I can proudly recommend it to anyone visiting for the first time! -
藤野聡すごく丁寧にわかりやすく素晴らしかったです。 (Translated by Google) It was very thorough and easy to understand.すごく丁寧にわかりやすく素晴らしかったです。
(Translated by Google)
It was very thorough and easy to understand. -
MIO HUNG医師と看護師の皆さんはとても親切で専門的です。診察に行くたびにとても嬉しく感じます。感謝していますし、開業1周年をお祝い申し上げます。 日々のお世話に本当に感謝しています 🥹🥹🙏🙏 醫師跟護理師人都很和...医師と看護師の皆さんはとても親切で専門的です。診察に行くたびにとても嬉しく感じます。感謝していますし、開業1周年をお祝い申し上げます。
(Translated by Google)
All the doctors and nurses are very kind and professional. I feel so happy every time I go to see the doctor. Thank you very much and congratulations on your 1st anniversary.
I am truly grateful for your daily help.
Physicians and barristers have been very good and the business has been very good, and every nursing visit has been successful, and I have been very grateful for the blessings and happy opening week of the business.
Thank you very much for your weekday review🥹🥹🙏🙏 -
Miko Hasegawa123先生が女性の方なのでとても話しやすい。脱毛などの知識高いのですごく助かった。 (Translated by Google) The teacher is a woman, so she is very easy to talk to. She was very knowledgeable about things ...先生が女性の方なのでとても話しやすい。脱毛などの知識高いのですごく助かった。
(Translated by Google)
The teacher is a woman, so she is very easy to talk to. She was very knowledgeable about things like hair removal, so she was very helpful. -
SiC湿疹が悪化してしまい、気分が落ち込んでいましたが、先生と看護師さんの温かい対応と処置で癒され安心しました。お薬を出していただきましたので、湿疹しっかり治そうと思います。 (Translated by Google) My e...湿疹が悪化してしまい、気分が落ち込んでいましたが、先生と看護師さんの温かい対応と処置で癒され安心しました。お薬を出していただきましたので、湿疹しっかり治そうと思います。
(Translated by Google)
My eczema had gotten worse and I was feeling depressed, but the warm treatment and treatment from the doctor and nurse made me feel better and relieved. I have been given medicine, so I hope to get rid of my eczema. -
M Y先生優しい、丁寧。 受付さんもナースもいい人、院内綺麗。 デジスマで予約して行ってからがタイムロスなくオススメ。 (Translated by Google) The teacher is kind and polite. The receptionist and nurses ar...先生優しい、丁寧。
(Translated by Google)
The teacher is kind and polite.
The receptionist and nurses are nice people, and the hospital is clean.
We recommend making a reservation on DigiSmart before you go so you don't waste any time. -
777から先生も看護師さんも受け付けの方も感じが良いです。院内も清潔感あります。プラセンタ注射で通い始めました。お注射だけなら、ほぼ待たずに受けれます! (Translated by Google) The teachers, nurses, and rece...先生も看護師さんも受け付けの方も感じが良いです。院内も清潔感あります。プラセンタ注射で通い始めました。お注射だけなら、ほぼ待たずに受けれます!
(Translated by Google)
The teachers, nurses, and receptionists are all very nice. The inside of the hospital is also clean. I started going for placenta injections. If you just need an injection, you can receive it without waiting! -
ちまる先生は丁寧優しく、看護師さん等も気さくで今後も通いたいです。 しかし、同じエレベーターに乗っていた方が予約なしの方で、タッチの差で先に診察券を出し、私は予約ありのほぼオンタイムで診察券を出したとこ...先生は丁寧優しく、看護師さん等も気さくで今後も通いたいです。
(Translated by Google)
The teachers are polite and kind, and the nurses are also friendly, so I would like to continue going there in the future.
However, the person who was in the same elevator without a reservation issued a medical card first due to the difference in touch, and when I issued the medical card almost on time with a reservation, the person without a reservation was issued first. I was called and examined.
I went there a little before my scheduled appointment time, so they gave priority to those who didn't have an appointment, and I didn't understand that my treatment was delayed by 20 minutes.
What does reservation mean? I thought.
When I made a reservation over the phone, I was told that reservations would be given priority, so I made a reservation, so I was confused. -
よしと引っ越しを機に今まで通っていた病院に通えなくなり来院 ステロイドを使っていた事を伝えるとゴミを見るような目で見られました 頭皮は完全に良くなっている事を伝えたのに頭皮の薬を大量に出されました 後は...引っ越しを機に今まで通っていた病院に通えなくなり来院
(Translated by Google)
After moving, I was unable to go to the hospital I used to go to, so I came here.
When I told him that I had been using steroids, he looked at me like I was looking at trash.
Even though I told him that my scalp was completely healed, he gave me a large amount of scalp medicine.
After that, I was given the usual generic medicine.
I felt that the place did not take my atopic dermatitis seriously. -
新田高志診療とは関係ないですが・・・ 予約したいにも関わらず、30半以上待たされました。こんなに待たされるとは思わず、イヤホンや読みかけの本など、時間潰しのための道具も持って来ておらず、ただ待ち続けた時間が、...診療とは関係ないですが・・・
(Translated by Google)
This has nothing to do with medical treatment, but...
Even though I wanted to make a reservation, I had to wait for over 30 minutes. I didn't expect to have to wait this long, and I hadn't brought any tools to kill time, such as earphones or a book I was half-reading, so the time I just kept waiting was really painful. -
渡邉奈月(プランニング)長年悩んでいた皮膚の痒み、病院を転々として、ようやく軽減。ちゃんと患部を診てくださいます。経過を見ながら、薬を軽いものに切り替え、快方に向かっており、ただただ感謝しかありません。 予約は当日できま...長年悩んでいた皮膚の痒み、病院を転々として、ようやく軽減。ちゃんと患部を診てくださいます。経過を見ながら、薬を軽いものに切り替え、快方に向かっており、ただただ感謝しかありません。
(Translated by Google)
The itchy skin that I had been suffering from for many years finally subsided after going to various hospitals. Please examine the affected area properly. While monitoring his progress, he switched to a lighter medication and is now on the mend, and I can only be grateful.
Reservations can be made on the same day, but I have waited 45 minutes during busy periods, such as during the Tobishi holiday and after the holidays. I think it's a good idea to schedule with a little extra time.
During the daytime in the middle of the week, it wasn't crowded, and I was able to watch the show almost on time. -
(Translated by Google)
When I go to a clinic or hospital, I'm always anxious to see if the doctor is polite and kind, but I was relieved that they listened to my symptoms and treated me properly. The receptionist is kind and greets everyone, and the waiting room has a nice atmosphere. -
ゆっ予約して行っても20分以上待たされます。なのに診察は5分足らずで終わります。 (Translated by Google) Even if you make a reservation, you will have to wait for more than 20 minutes. However, the examin...予約して行っても20分以上待たされます。なのに診察は5分足らずで終わります。
(Translated by Google)
Even if you make a reservation, you will have to wait for more than 20 minutes. However, the examination only takes less than 5 minutes. -
o先生が優しく丁寧に説明してくれて安心感がある。すぐ下に薬局があるのも嬉しい。当日でもネットで簡単に予約できる (Translated by Google) The teacher explained things to me in a kind and thorough manner...先生が優しく丁寧に説明してくれて安心感がある。すぐ下に薬局があるのも嬉しい。当日でもネットで簡単に予約できる
(Translated by Google)
The teacher explained things to me in a kind and thorough manner, which made me feel at ease. I'm also happy that there is a pharmacy right below. You can easily make reservations online on the same day. -
user user美容目的ならいいかもしれないが 一般皮膚科で行くのはおすすめしません (Translated by Google) Might be good for beauty purposes I don't recommend going to a general dermatologist.美容目的ならいいかもしれないが
(Translated by Google)
Might be good for beauty purposes
I don't recommend going to a general dermatologist. -
S Y自分の好きなタイミングで行きたかったので予約せず行きました。 (予約ページを見たら何時でも予約できそうな雰囲気があったので空いてるのかと勘違いしました) そしたら平日の15-16時頃にも関わらず1時間待たさ...自分の好きなタイミングで行きたかったので予約せず行きました。
(Translated by Google)
I wanted to go at a time that suited me, so I went without making a reservation.
(When I looked at the reservation page, it looked like I could make a reservation at any time, so I mistakenly thought it was vacant.)
Then I had to wait for an hour even though it was a weekday between 3pm and 4pm.
Even after I entered the examination room, I had to wait for about 5 minutes, and the doctor was very busy.
It wasn't worth waiting an hour because I just wanted my medicine.
It seems better to make a reservation! -
LO NAクリニックは清潔感があり、先生は丁寧な診察をしてくれます。 受付の人も呼びつけるのではなく保険証を持ってきてくれるので丁寧。 一階が薬局なのも楽。 (Translated by Google) The clinic is clean and the ...クリニックは清潔感があり、先生は丁寧な診察をしてくれます。
(Translated by Google)
The clinic is clean and the doctors provide thorough examinations.
The receptionist was polite and brought my insurance card instead of calling me.
It's convenient that there is a pharmacy on the first floor. -
ベルガモット好きオープンしてまもないそうですが 予約が取りづらくなるのも時間の問題かな と思うほど、素晴らしいクリニックでした。 女医さん、看護師さん、受付の方 皆さん雰囲気が良く、接客も説明も大変わかりやすく丁寧で...オープンしてまもないそうですが
(Translated by Google)
Looks like it just opened
Is it only a matter of time before it becomes difficult to make reservations?
It was an amazing clinic.
Female doctor, nurse, receptionist
Everyone has a good atmosphere, and customer service and explanations are very easy to understand and polite. He thoroughly checked my skin condition and suggested the appropriate treatment.
He was very frank and informed me about the pain of the procedure beforehand, so I didn't feel nervous or overwhelmed. It was my first visit, but I was glad that I was able to feel at ease from beginning to end.
Hospitality is perfect
I feel that this is exactly what it means.
Hospitals have a ``administrative feel''
It doesn't make you feel at all.
The customer base is diverse in terms of gender and age, probably because we provide treatments other than self-pay, so I think this clinic is easy for a wide range of people to use.
When looking at the map, Nishi-Shinjuku Gochome Station appears to be the closest station, but Nishi-Shinjuku Station is also relatively close, about a 10-minute walk.
You can also purchase oral medications within the hospital.
The payment method is credit card only for self-pay treatment, and cash payment for other cases.
Everyone please try using it at least once. -
ぬこ先生も優しくて、頂いた薬を塗ったら直ぐに治りました! (Translated by Google) The doctor was kind, and I was cured immediately after applying the medicine he gave me!先生も優しくて、頂いた薬を塗ったら直ぐに治りました!
(Translated by Google)
The doctor was kind, and I was cured immediately after applying the medicine he gave me! -
Monalisha MahapatraI had really very good experience with the hospital. All the staffs with the doctor are so cooperative. I was totally satisfied with the service despite of the doctor don't know to speak English bu...I had really very good experience with the hospital. All the staffs with the doctor are so cooperative. I was totally satisfied with the service despite of the doctor don't know to speak English but I couldn't face any problem to communicate with her. She is so patient and kind person. Highly recommended.
keitaとにかく丁寧。医療レベルも高いと感じました。 (Translated by Google) Anyway, polite. I felt that the medical level was also high.とにかく丁寧。医療レベルも高いと感じました。
(Translated by Google)
Anyway, polite. I felt that the medical level was also high. -
NM TM開院したばかりの病院なので、清潔だし、先生やスタッフの方々も優しく、よく話しを聞いてくれる印象でした。 処置も良かったです。 (Translated by Google) The hospital had just opened, so it was clean, an...開院したばかりの病院なので、清潔だし、先生やスタッフの方々も優しく、よく話しを聞いてくれる印象でした。
(Translated by Google)
The hospital had just opened, so it was clean, and the doctors and staff were kind and gave me the impression that they really listened to what I had to say.
The treatment was also good. -
KMAYH Ono先生の診察から説明まで丁寧にご対応して下さいます!また看護師さん、受付の皆さんもとても雰囲気が良いので、安心して受診できました。 (Translated by Google) We will take care of everything from the doc...先生の診察から説明まで丁寧にご対応して下さいます!また看護師さん、受付の皆さんもとても雰囲気が良いので、安心して受診できました。
(Translated by Google)
We will take care of everything from the doctor's examination to the explanation! Also, the nurses and receptionists all had a very friendly atmosphere, so I felt at ease during my visit. -
HDTG MYJM先生、看護師さん、受付の方みなさんとてと雰囲気の良いクリニックでした。先生の診察や説明、看護師さんの処置もとても丁寧で安心して受けれました。 今後もお願いしたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) T...先生、看護師さん、受付の方みなさんとてと雰囲気の良いクリニックでした。先生の診察や説明、看護師さんの処置もとても丁寧で安心して受けれました。
(Translated by Google)
The doctor, nurses, and receptionist all had a great atmosphere at the clinic. The doctor's examination and explanation, and the nurse's treatment were very thorough and made me feel at ease.
I would like to request more from you in the future. -
K気さくで親身になって下さる先生でした!今までは近隣に皮膚科が無く、新宿駅周辺まで行っていたので新規開業とても助かります。薬局もすぐ下にあり便利です。 (Translated by Google) He was a friendly and ca...気さくで親身になって下さる先生でした!今までは近隣に皮膚科が無く、新宿駅周辺まで行っていたので新規開業とても助かります。薬局もすぐ下にあり便利です。
(Translated by Google)
He was a friendly and caring teacher! Until now, there was no dermatologist nearby and I had to go to the Shinjuku Station area, so opening a new clinic is very helpful. The pharmacy is also conveniently located right below.